To find Lulworth
Set SatNav postcode to BH20 5RQ for Lulworth Cove Visitor Centre, West Lulworth, Dorset.
Strandline Scavenge
An event for avid beachcombers and novices alike. Join us for a stroll around to the Eastern side of Lulworth Cove. On arrival we will commence a search of the strandline and hunt out any interesting flotsam and jetsam, some of which could have travelled thousands of miles, each with a different story to tell. The walk will be of around two miles and will be on loose shingle. Please wear with wellies or sturdy boots.
Wednesday 20th February
Time: 11:30am
Meet at: Lulworth Cove Visitor Centre (BH20 5RQ)
Duration: Approximately an hour and a half
Price: Under 16’s £2.50 | Adults £5 | Under 5’s Free
Accessibility: Approximately a 1.5 mile walk on a shingle beach. Not suitable for wheelchair users.
Please Bring: A stout pair of boots or wellies.
Please call (01929) 400587 or 400155 to book or find out more!