To find Lulworth
Set SatNav postcode to BH20 5RQ for Lulworth Cove Visitor Centre, West Lulworth, Dorset.
Fossil Sessions
Make your way to the Visitor Centre and have a go at fossil casting and ammonite slice polishing. Running for around 45 minutes, children will be able to take home their freshly polished ammonite slice and a casted fossil. A perfect all weather activity that inspires young minds. Make sure you ask the ranger where best to look for fossils on the beach too!
Booking Details: Booking essential. Please call (01929) 400587 or 400155
Where: Meet at Lulworth Visitor Centre Reception (Lulworth Cove – BH20 5RQ).
When: Every Monday at 11:30 from 25th June to August 20th.
Price: £4.95 per person
Suitability: All ages welcome.
Accessibility: Full wheelchair access is available.