To find Lulworth
Set SatNav postcode to BH20 5RQ for Lulworth Cove Visitor Centre, West Lulworth, Dorset.
Butterfly Walk
With almost 4/5ths of the UK butterfly species, Lulworth is a mecca for butterflies. Join one of our butterfly walks and learn about the rich habitats that make for such an array of species. The species found on the walks will vary depending on the time of year. Our star species include Lulworths’ very own Lulworth Skipper, the iconic Adonis Blue and the stunning Dark-Green Fritillary. Every walk is different and every walk heralds’ points of interest!
May 22nd | June 5th, 19th | July 3rd, 17th, 31st | August 14th, 28th
Time: 11:00am
Meet at: Lulworth Cove Visitor Centre (BH20 5RQ)
Duration: Approximately 2 hours.
Price: £5 Per Person
Accessibility: The route involves a long and moderately steep hill. Not suitable for wheelchair users.
Please Bring: Walking boots.
Please call (01929) 400587 or 400155 to book or find out more!