To find Durdle Door
Set SatNav postcode to BH20 5PU for Durdle Door, West Lulworth, Dorset.
Bike & Bird Safari
Saddle up and join our Lulworth Outdoors team for a chance to explore the lesser known areas of the Lulworth Estate by off road bike. The event will focus on the ornithology that the route passes. Bring your binoculars and a fresh set of legs. The views will be breath taking, you’ll feel great afterwards and with any luck we should see species such as Raven, Peregrine and Wheatear. Minimum age is 11, the ride will last around 2 hrs. Bring a mountain bike and helmet, or we can arrange hire.
Booking Details: Call (01929) 400587
Where: Durdle Door Holiday Park Reception BH20 5PU.
When: Tuesday 10th April
Price: £40 per person (including bike hire and helmet). Please give us a call if you would like to bring your own bike and receive a discounted rate.
Please Bring: Bring a mountain bike and helmet (we can arrange hire for a fee).
Suitability: Suitable for children aged 11 and over.
Accessibility: Suitable for those with a degree of fitness and mobility.